Saturday, February 4, 2012

One month!

Where has the time gone?!  I cannot believe that Liam is one month old already (and that I'm a week behind in getting this posted!).  The time is flying by and that makes me a little sad.  I can't figure out where the past month has gone (and I also can't figure out where the hours in a day go, those disappear on me quickly as well).  Being a parent is simply amazing and Liam is a true blessing.  There's not much better than having him curl up asleep while you hold him and I could (and do) pretty much spend all day just staring at him. 

We had our first babysitter already!  We went out to dinner to celebrate Aunt Jill's and some friends' birthdays and half birthdays and Liam spent the evening over with his cousins and our favorite babysitter Shelbee.  I managed not to be TOO nervous of a mom, but Shelbee was also really good at sending me updates. 
The past month has been a month of "firsts"...first bottle, first bath, first blowout...all sorts of fun stuff. It's also been a month of firsts for me, never did I quite think I'd spend so much time focusing on poop, snot, spitup and dodging "streams" during diaper changes. I wouldn't trade it for the world though :) 

We also had our first road trip last weekend, 2 hours back and forth to the Celebration of Life service for a good friend's mother who passed away.  Cancer sucks, by the way.  Anyways,  Liam was a champ, although I think the whole time we were there he was pretty much eating.  Either that or looking adorable and charming the crowd, an act he has perfected.  The ride home let me perfect my parenting-on-the-go skills.  While in the vehicle I managed to pump, feed Liam, change his diaper and change his outfit (he'd managed to soak right through the diaper before I could do the diaper change).  Only one of those was done while the vehicle was moving though, and it wasn't any of them involving Liam :)

This past week we were over NINE pounds, and he's definitely longer.  He's tall and skinny, which makes dressing him a challenge.  I put one 3 month outfit on him this week, picked him up and the pants fell off.  Oops.  We're staring to get some meat on the bones though, so hopefully we'll be able to wear all these cute outfits we have ready to go!

I did remember to take some photos of Liam at one month with his monkey friend.  I'm going to try to remember to take these every month or so to use a way to see how much he's grown.  I wish I'd done this from the start, he really is growing and changing.  When he "froggers" his legs in, he's about the same length as the monkey, but when he straightens those legs out, Liam has the definite height advantage!