Friday, April 13, 2012

Catching Up

Time has been just flying by here, and we're coming up on almost 4 months for Mr. Liam!  He is getting to be so big, definitely moving on from the newborn phase.  He and his dad have both been sick for the past 10 days or so, meaning I'm just a *bit* tired, ha!  I have three nights of (hopefully) uninterrupted sleep coming my way though next week when I head to a conference in Texas.  While I'm going to miss little man like crazy, I can't help but anticipate that sleep!

As we come up to his 4 month birthday here, I realized I never posted the photos with Monkey at 2 and 3 months!  Liam did really well with his shots, and flared up a few days after in terms of fussiness and general crankiness.  He was growing well and was pronounced healthy, measuring in the 23rd percentile for weight, 48th for height and the 89th (!) for head circumference.  He's obviously a genius with a head full of brains :)

He's continued growing about an ounce a day up until he got sick (we've become regular at the doctors and have had lots of weigh-ins).  At our last visit, right before Easter, he was up to 13 lbs 10 ounces.  He is quite the charmer though, as the nurses just love him (and really, who doesn't?!).  We've managed (knock on wood) to avoid a trip to the doctor this week for the first time in a month, yea!  The upper respiratory infection seems to be getting better, slowly, and whether it is the medicine or the change in my diet or a combination of both, we're at least managing the acid reflux.  I'm hoping that once he's healthy, we will be able to tell if we really do have a better handle on that or not. 

Even when he's not feeling good, he's a happy kid though, so we're lucky.  For example, as I am holding him over the bathroom sick because he is coughing so hard he's gagging and I'm pretty sure there's about to me a mess, he catches a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror and just starts laughing and giggling.  It distracted him enough he forgot to cough!  Then he'd cough and gag again, only to see the mirror.  We repeated this process for a good ten minutes, as he just completely entertained himself despite the fact he had to be feeling pretty darn miserable.

So with that, here is Mr. Charmer at 2 months...

 And then here is he at 3 months...

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