Friday, April 27, 2012

Four Months Old!

It's hard to believe, but this little monkey is four months old today!  It just doesn't seem like it's been that long already since our family grew by one. 

He had his four month appointment today and is growing like a champ.  He apparently has his dad's metabolism, because despite eating everything we offer, his weight is only in the 21st percentile at 14 pounds 1 ounce!  He measured 25 1/2 inches (66th percentile) and his head is topping the charts at 17 1/4 inches (96th percentile).  He's long and lean (and adorable, that goes without saying!).

His upper respiratory infection is back and bothering us all, but all in all he's a pretty happy and healthy kid.  He entertains us endlessly, as he is getting more and more interactive.  He responds to us, he smiles, he laughs, he LOVES to look in the mirror at that "other" baby, and he's now just the past week or two discovered the joy of toys.  Liam is "thisclose" to rolling over from back to belly, preferring now to sleep on his side every chance he gets.  He's had the belly to back rollover mastered for weeks and weeks now, which can cut tummy time short quite often!

Liam and I are flying to MI in mid-May, so that should be quite the adventure!  He and I fly out of Moline and have a nice (relatively) short, direct flight to Detroit where Grandma and Grandpa will pick us up for a long weekend in Deckerville.  It will be so fun to introduce Liam to everyone back home!

As you can see, he is quickly outgrowing Mr. Monkey in our 4 month photos.  It's also getting harder and harder to get him to hold still for these and not roll all over the floor!

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