Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Williams Boys (and Girls!)

Liam and I took our first long roadtrip together, and he was an AMAZING travel companion.  He did so good on the road, despite dealing with a virus, that we actually did the whole drive home (600+ miles!) in one day.  The best part of the trip though, was seeing and spending time with all the family.  I always love the opportunity to see the aunts, uncles and cousins, but for Liam, this was his first time meeting many of them!  With only about 72 hours in the state of Michigan, the visit was too short (as always).  Liam got to hang with almost all of the Williams boys, learned basic skills like eating pretzels and "high-stakes" card games, and observed a cut-throat game of Williams-family Wiffle ball.  He also developed a strong case of hero worship for his 10-year-old cousin Joey, who fortunately was really good with his shadow. He also got to play with the Beck boys, where he learned the joys of the merry-go-round and then had the rest of us giggling as he bopped and weaved.  All in all, a completely successful trip!

We have our next big trip already this week, up to visit more family, Aunt Susan, Uncle Jerry, Steph, Ava and hopefully the boys, and meet Miss Lilah (oh, and see her parents too of course!). :)

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