Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chunky Monkey

Not just an ice cream flavor, this might also be Liam's newest nickname as the kid continues to grow and grow!  We were at the doctor's today for a visit, and he tipped the scale as 20 lbs 10 ozs!  It's been a busy, busy week or so around here.  Liam has mastered crawling, the first tooth popped through, and he's just about figured out how to pull himself up to standing.  I think he's got it down, but the problem now is that he gets distracted by the top of the coffee table or the top of the footstool and has to stop to chew on them for a while.  We have so much fun with him too, even with the teething, he's still the same good-natured kid (just slightly fussier).

Here's the most recent photo, showing off one of his favorite school's gear :)


  1. Chunky monkey is right! He weighs as much as Ally does and she's a year older. :) She is a peanut though, I admit that.

  2. He weighs just as much as his older cousin too, and she's 9 months older than he is :) She's a peanut though too
